Sunday, April 5, 2009


March results are in. I wanted to make a joke about how laughable a 0.76 BB/100 winrate is, but since I had losing months in both January and February, I decided to put a lid on the cynical me. For some reason, I couldn't generate a chart that included the last 350 hands of March, where I was up a bit. So I actually won $85.83 for March, and not the $65 or so that the graph indicates:

Here's the better news - I crushed PLO this month. $550 is only approximate, since I don't have tracking numbers. I was playing almost exclusively on Bodog, where the generous fishies swim, IMO. But I'm thinking about getting Poker Tracker Omaha and playing more on FTP, just b/c I'm such a stat junkie. Seriously, if I can't have my stats, I am about half as excited to play poker. Weird huh?

Live poker turned out good too, but would have been better had it not been for a down night last week to the tune of $370.

Live Poker - +$165

PLO - +$550

NLHE - +85.83

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmmm. Me thinks you might need to pull an Allen Iverson. In case you don't remember, AI was actually an all-state quarterback in high school. Football was actually his first love, but he eventually concentrated on basketball for two reasons: a) he was better at it, and b) at 6'0", he wasn't tall enough to play QB in the NFL.

I know that NLHE is your first love, but based on your March results, maybe you need to pull an Iverson and switch games for the same two reasons he did: a) you're better at PLO, and b) at 6'4", you're obviously not tall enough to play NLHE in the pros. Okay, maybe just the first reason.

Just imagine if the switch is as profitable for you as it has been for Iverson! PLO, baby!!!
